What We Do
Our organization is comprised of certified Master Gardeners who serve the community through several projects and activities. Many of our members have been active for over 10 years and many also donate over 100 volunteer hours each year to our community.
UT Garden / Plateau Discovery Garden
In cooperation with the University of Tennessee Ag Research and UT Extension, we develop and maintain an educational demonstration garden on highway 70 N. It is open 7 days a week during daylight hours for self-guided tours. This is now one of three TN State Botanical gardens and has earned several other designations. Many classes are held here during the year and the Kinder Garden for the young ones is also a part of this project. Click here to learn more about this jewel in our community, including pictures and brochures. Click here to go to their Facebook page.
Spring Flower and Garden Show
This multi-day show is our main fundraiser and a significant educational opportunity for the community. At this annual show, vendors display their wares and share their gardening, landscaping and home horticulture knowledge. We also conduct several seminars / clinics during the show. Click here to learn about the 2019 show. Unfortunately, the 2020 and 2021 shows had to be cancelled due to COVID. Click here to learn about the upcoming 2022 show.
Fall Gardeners Festival
This free day of learning from experts from UT, Nursery and MG’s (in their field). Multiple topics chosen for the home gardener are presented under tents throughout the gardens, along with wagon tours of the facility, opportunities to shop from garden vendors, educational exhibits, food and so much more. A great opportunity for learning, networking, and seeing the Plateau Discovery Gardens. Click here to learn more about the 2019 festival (the 2020 and event had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 and the 2021 show was cancelled at the last minute due to a tornado threat). We will hold this event in 2022...Click HERE for the information.
Community Garden Design and Training
Over the years we have designed, implemented and trained others to maintain various landscaping projects, primarily at municipal buildings and signage. Examples include the new Crossville library, welcome to Crossville signs and the waterfall project on the Main Street hill. Schools, museums and the Cumberland County Playhouse have also been recipients of these community services. Click to see recent projects.
Speakers Bureau
CCMGA maintains a "Speakers Bureau" that provides speakers for community organizations on horticultural topics. These short presentations cover a wide variety of related topics including landscape design, tree identification, growing vegetables and tomatoes, water gardens, and managing wildlife among others. We provided 11 of these learning experiences in 2019. The COVID-19 restrictions meant that we did not give presentations in 2020.
Classes at the Garden
Over 40 classes are typically scheduled at the Discovery Gardens on a wide variety of horticultural, nature, landscaping and gardening topics. Most classes are free, but all require reservations. Click here to see the 2019 class offering. With the COVID-19 restrictions in place, we did not conduct these classes in 2020 except for one done via Zoom. We hope to offer in-person classes again in 2021.